New Click To Message Ads Adds Another Option
Google have just announced that they are adding a click to message feature in search campaigns. This means you can go directly into your mes

Expanded Text Ads - Why You Need To Use Them
Using AdWords? Great! Using Expanded Text Ads? Why not? Well they have only recently been introduced by Google, so you may not know about...

Major AdWords Changes!
Hopefully by now you will have noticed that there are no longer any search results down the right hand side of the page, whether you're...

Is AdWords Right For My Business?
In my experience, unless you have a really small budget, or your products or services just aren’t viable, then there really should be no...

Big Isn't Always Better!
I've just been speaking to a new client about her existing AdWords account and she gave me access to have a look at it for her, as it clearl

Callout Extensions In Google AdWords
You may have seen recently that Google have introduced another new feature for AdWords called Callout Extensions. If you were wondering what

SEO - Search Engine Optimisation - The Basics
Ensure you do the following to get better rankings in the search engines: · Make pages primarily for users, not for search...

Latest Google Ranking Updates
So with Google recently announcing that sites which aren't mobile friendly will now marked down in the organic rankings, how does this affec